Some people swear by wine aerators; others do not see their point. The basic idea is simply to get more oxygen into the wine faster for the purpose of enhancing aromas and flavors. I’ve evaluated several different incarnations of aerators. Sometimes one has to pour the wine through a funnel type design that circulates air into the wine. Others were designed with a long rod that could be placed into a glass or the bottle itself for oxygen to be pumped in directly. Still others attached to the bottle and deliver oxygen as wine gets poured out.
This latest aerator I tried out was the Aervana – the first electric wine aerator (with batteries included, yeah!). It attaches directly to a bottle and with the push of a button, wine is pumped up through a straw and delivered into your glass via a handy spout. In terms of functionality, it gets high marks. The Aervana is very easy to attach and the operation is smooth. The wine ends up in your glass nicely oxygenated and without any of the sediment which may have been in your bottle. As long as the bottle can stay in one place, it’s ideal. But, if you find yourself at a table where there’s a need to pass the wine around to different people, that could be rather awkward with the Aervana attached as it becomes a bit top heavy.
Personally, I think the Aervana would be very useful at events or gatherings where people are up standing and mingling but converge on a central location for all the food and drinks. Setting up wine bottle with an Aervana would mean fewer spills, as there’s no need to lift the bottle when filling a glass. The spout does drip a small amount, but every aerator I’ve come across has the issue, and it’s nothing a napkin underneath can’t fix.
So, in short, I’d highly recommend the Aervana to caterers with buffets or anyone that will be hosting large gatherings where people help themselves. In contrast, if you’re only going to use it around the dinner table, I think there are better options, especially since the price tag is about $100 per unit. But however one wants to make use of the Aervana, it is a very solid product. It’s really just a matter of the circumstances for how worthwhile it is.
By Michael Perkins