People are already in their planning mode for holiday entertaining. And for those that are looking for something that’s sure to be hit with their guests, we have some amazing recipes for traditional cocktails with a twist.
2 oz. Flor De Caña 7-year Grand Reserve
4 mint leaves
1 scoop chocolate ice cream
½ oz. vanilla syrup
½ oz. Licor 43
Caramel foam**
Pour all ingredients in a mixing glass. Shake for 20 seconds. Serve over chilled martini glass. Top with layer of caramel foam.
For caramel foam:
2 oz. heavy cream
1/2 oz. liquid caramel syrup
dash of cinnamon
Combine heavy cream with syrup + cinnamon in a dry shaker until emulsified.
Created by Phil Ward
Courtesy Deussen Global Communications, Inc.