Refreshing, Herbal Vodka Cocktail Recipes
Grow a cocktail garden right outside your door and be prepared for lots of fun and amazing scents all season long. Part of growing useful organic gardens is finding...
Thanksgiving Cocktails that Capture the Season
This Thanksgiving, don’t just capture the flavors of fall with the food you serve; enjoy them in what you drink, too. Here are a few lovely cocktail recipes...
Sriracha Cocktails from Sobieski Vodka
Sriracha is hot, both literally and figuratively. It seem everything from potato chips to lip balm has been flavored with it, and science tells us it is more than...
Halloween Cocktails from SKYY Vodka
Kids shouldn’t be the only one’s to enjoy treats come Halloween. Adults are entitled to their fun, too. So in that spirit, we’re sharing a...
Vision Vodka Cocktails: Hot & Dirty Martini
Vision is the latest American-made vodka to hit the market, and it rocks. Seriously (Check out our spirit writer’s take on it). Costing less and tasting better...
National Vodka Day Cocktails
Vodka, perhaps the most popular spirit on anyone’s backbar and for good reason, is getting its due with the upcoming national designation – National Vodka...
Thanksgiving Cocktails: Pumpkin Spice
This Thanksgiving, if you’re feeling truly festive, why not make your pre-meal cocktails in the spirit of fall with this recipe from SKYY. Pumpkin...
Candy Corn Cocktail
For anyone looking to be extra festive this Halloween, he is another cocktail that’s perfect for your party.Cocktails created by Alex Straus, Suite 700 at the...
Not everyone is ready for a more traditional martini. So for anyone that wants to start out with training-wheels before graduating onward, he’s a more approachable...
Three Olives Vodka: POP MY CHERRY
POP MY CHERRY 1/2 oz. Three Olives Cherry Vodka 1/2 oz. Triple Sec Splash orange juice Shake with ice and pour into a shot glass.