Simple Cocktail Recipes for National Punch Day
National Punch Day (9/20) is the perfect excuse to throw a party and get your friends and family together again. Whether you’re hosting game night or one final...
National Rum Month Cocktails from Cruzan
August is National Rum month, and in preparation, Cruzan has been working with top mixologists across the country to develop a handful of new cocktails, incorporating...
Celebrate Summer with Rum Cocktails
With the warm-weather days flying by, squeeze every last drop out of summer with this delicious and refreshing rum based cocktails. So whether you’re celebrating...
Super Summer Sips from Caliche Rum
Here’s a list of summer sips from the folks at Summer Sips from Caliche Rum that will help keep the party goers toasting, whether you’re at a backyard BBQ,...
Rhum Clement Cocktails: Presidente
Rhum Clement, the world’s leading producer of A.O.C. Martinique Rhum Agricole better, for Spring and Summer is celebrating its 125TH ANNIVERSARY, commemorating...
Rhum Clement Cocktails: The French Riviera
Rhum Clement, the world’s leading producer of A.O.C. Martinique Rhum Agricole better, for Spring and Summer is celebrating its 125TH ANNIVERSARY, commemorating...
Rhum Clemen Cocktails: Clement ‘Ti Punch
Rhum Clement, the world’s leading producer of A.O.C. Martinique Rhum Agricole, is celebrating its 125TH ANNIVERSARY, commemorating over a century of dedication...
Holiday Cocktails: Oaxaca Chakas
When it’s cold outside, curling up inside with a nice, hot beverage can be such a treat, especially when it’s a chocolate one. Add a little rum and you’re...