George’s Rants and Raves: Grey Goose Traditional and Flavored Vodkas
I received a call from FedEx the other day and was informed that a box of booze had been damaged in transit and I should come down and pick it up. They further...
McDonald’s All-Day Breakfast: Why the Delay?
In the 1993 film Falling Down, Michael Douglas enters a fast-food restaurant and orders breakfast. The worker behind the counter informs Douglas he’s a few minutes...
The Best 4 Meals You’ll Ever Eat in Japan
In subjects such as politics, art and food, being labelled “narrow minded” is usually considered an insult. But in the world’s largest city, a singular focus...
Why More Extreme Foods Are Creeping Onto Menus
For Americans who haven’t been to a state fair recently or who are unacquainted with Paula Deen’s style of Southern comfort food, this may come as a surprise:...
Wines of the Week: “Warm Weather Whites” Part 1
Now that it’s nearly summer, we can all look forward to the warmer weather and sunshine of the months to come. And what better way to compliment these lovely...
5 Classic Cheese Recipes
Nutty Goat Cheese Bites – “Tastes rich and crunchy, yet it’s very quick and simple to prepare. Lovely with a nice glass of wine. Sometimes I make...
5 Dynamite Dessert Recipes
Perfect Cheesecake Everytime – “I came up with this because I wanted simple, but elegant too. I wanted the taste of restaurant cheesecake, but something...
5 Perfect Potato Recipes
Beer Spuds – “These potatoes are total ‘man-food’ and I’ve never met a person that didn’t like them. They must be cooked over...
Craziest Bloody Mary Ever!
Here’s a Bloody Mary that will blow your mind. O’Davey’s Pub in Wisconsin set out to create the craziest Bloody Mary, and certainly did succeed. This cocktail is...
Dining Detectives: La Mar -Weekend Brunch, Peruvian Cuisine
We have always loved dining at La Mar which serves fabulous Peruvian Cuisine and has a beautiful location right on the San Francisco Bay near the Ferry Plaza on...