When a chef or restaurant is ready to place a produce order, they typically pickup the phone and call their area foodservice rep or local farm to find out what is available. Not anymore. The Chef’s Garden located in rural Huron, Ohio recently invited the folks from LXR Resorts to visit the farm via live video stream-direct into the kitchens, bringing farm to chef!
This provided an opportunity for each chef to see product harvested fresh from the field that very morning, learn about seasonal availability, and ask the growers themselves questions in real time.
The Chef’s Garden grows specialty vegetables and herbs for the world’s best chefs and restaurants and they pride themselves in their personal relationships with their customers. “When a customer can’t make it out to our farm for a tour with me, I feel like we are missing the opportunity to really help them understand the way we grow things here…slowly and gently, in full accord with nature,” says Farmer Lee Jones. “I want to do everything in my power to be as forward thinking as possible. We’re just a little family farm, using age-old growing practices but embracing new-age technology.”
About The Chef’s Garden
The Chef’s Garden is a family farm that grows, packages, and ships the highest quality, safest and most flavorful specialty vegetables and herbs directly to the best chefs in the world. In order to grow foods with optimum quality, flavor and nutrition, The Chef’s Garden is committed to sustainable agricultural practices that replenish nutrients depleted from the soil naturally, not synthetically. The Jones’ family story can be found at www.chefs-garden.com
About The Chef’s Garden Home Delivery Service
The Chef’s Garden has historically been the specialty farm exclusively for the world’s best chefs. Their scope has broadened to offer a limited selection of its specialty produce to the public. Product is seasonal and selection is tuned to the home cook. The same high quality standards are extended to the Home Delivery customer and product is delivered direct to the consumer’s door, making The Chef’s Garden Home Delivery the most coveted CSA in the country. www.farmerjonesfarm.com