Every once in a while, you come across a tool that you know will change people lives. As a technology enthusiast and a food specialist, this Taylannas’ device peaked my interest.
Susan Perry was inspired by her niece, who suffers from muscular degeneration. Sitting at a restaurant, Perry grabbed a napkin and sketched an idea for a talking menu that would help handicapped people place orders.
The Taylannas is a portable, compact device, about the size of a DVD case, that speaks to restaurant guests when menu categories are pressed. Food items are named and described in detail, along with prices, wine selections, and sides. Menus feature recorded human voices, which are available in two selectable languages. Buttons and controls are imprinted in Braille for use by blind diners. The menu also features flashing lights that can be activated to alert waiters when a customer wants service. This tool could be used in places like retirement homes and family restaurants across the country to insure people can order what they want with ease.
Taylannas audible menus can be found in about thirty locally owned restaurants in South Florida, as well as two chains, (the Original Pancake House and the Lion and the Rose) and given their effectiveness, the numbers will continue to grow.