
California Wine List is the place to come if you’re a fan of California wine. We understand that not everyone is as passionate about wine as us (and that’s probably a good thing), so we try to make things simple. You won’t find any complex wine lingo in our reviews – just descriptions of flavor and character in English that makes sense. We also try to keep up on big events happening around the state. So why take the time to search Google and then through particular region’s websites when you can find the information in one place – our events section.

You’ll find news about California wine here, too. Some of it can help you make more informed purchases. Some of it will broaden your wine knowledge, and some of it will be just interesting enough to help you get through ten minutes of your workday while looking like you’re busy.

Anyway, if you love California wine, just enjoy drinking, or just feel socially superior when you attend wine events every weekend, this is a website for you.


